
I am a naturalist, agricultural scientist & PhD in biology (Université de Louvain, Belgium), environmentalist, and expert in ecology & biomimicry. After raising awareness about climate change for the International Polar Foundation (2001-2007), I became interested in biomimicry to tackle the main environmental issues of the 21st century and co-created the NGO Biomimicry Europa (2006, and the environmental consultancy Greenloop (2007, This led me back to the matter of post-carbon agriculture, including biomimetic agriculture, agroforestry, urban agriculture, permaculture and other practices included or includable within agroecology. Working with companies, public authorities and researchers, I co-led a European FP7 R&D program on carbon sequestration through carbonate-producing bacteria involving agroforestry (2009-2012); did various studies on urban agriculture for the Brussels Regional Government (2011-2014); cooperated as a scientific advisor with the Lunt Foundation to promote regenerative agriculture (2013-2014); and worked with the farm “La Ferme du Bec Hellouin” as a model of micro-intensive agriculture & permaculture (2013-2014). I have also given many lectures and seminars on biomimicry and biomimetic agriculture.


Posted in First circle, Members