Publications @fr

The BAMbook 2014 is out!

The book of abstracts of the third edition of our Belgian Agroecology Meeting (ULB, 5 November 2014) is ready and gives you a feeling of what that day will bring us. The abstracts were meant to be extended so that interested readers can find relevant information such as speaker addresses

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Posté dans Publications @fr

Agroécologie: Entre pratiques et sciences sociales

Van Dam, D., Stassart, P. et al. (…)

Posté dans Publications @fr

L’agroécologie : trajectoire et potentiel. Pour une transition vers des systèmes alimentaires durables

Stassart P. M., Baret Ph., Grégoire J-Cl., Hance Th., Mormont M., Reheul D., Stilmant D., Vanloqueren G., Visser M. (…)

Posté dans Publications @fr