Jérémie Forney, Chris Rosin, Hugh Campbell, Agri-environmental Governance as an Assemblage, Routledge, 2018

Agri-environmental Governance as an Assemblage

Jérémie Forney, Chris Rosin, Hugh Campbell

Routledge, 2018



Develops assemblage theory as an original analytical framework for the study of agri-environmental governance.

Presents alternative perspectives on the kind of governance instruments that support the development of more sustainable agriculture and food systems.

Includes a wide range of international examples, including case studies from south-east and east Asia, Europe, Latin America, New Zealand and the USA.


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: Agri-Environmental Governance as Assemblage
    Jérémie Forney, Chris Rosin and Hugh Campbell

Part I: Assembling Ontologies: Multiplicities and Agencies

  1. Assembling Payments for Ecosystem Services in Wales
    Sophie Wynne-Jones and Thomas Vetter
  2. Carolina Dreamin’: A case for understanding farmers’ decision-making and hybrid agri-environmental governance initiatives as complex assemblages
    Caela O’Connell and Deanna L. Osmond
  3. Killing two (or more) birds with one stone: The case of governance through multifunctionality payments in Japan
    Haruhiko Iba and Kiyohiko Sakamoto
  4. Assembling Halloumi: Contesting the EU’s Food Quality Label Policy in the Republic of Cyprus
    Gisela Welz
  5. From ‘disciplinary societies’ to ‘societies of control’: an historical narrative of agri-environmental governance in Indonesia
    Angga Dwiartama

Part II: The politics of territorialisation

  1. Assembling Value in Carbon Forestry: Practices of Assemblage, Overflows and Counter-Performativities in Ugandan Carbon Forestry
    Adrian Nel
  2. Not Defined by the Numbers: Distinction, Dissent and Democratic Possibilities in Debating the Data
    Karly Burch, Katharine Legun, and Hugh Campbell
  3. Water Quality Deterioration, Governance, and Assemblage Responses in Uruguay
    Diego Thompson
  4. The “Dirty Dairying” Campaign in New Zealand: Constructing Problems and Assembling Responses
    Ismaël Tall and Hugh Campbell
  5. Beyond Soyisation – Donau Soja as Assemblage
    Dana Bentia and Jérémie Forney

Part III: Assemblage for building new AEG practices

  1. The Politics of Big Data: Corporate Agri-food Governance meets “Weak” Resistance
    Michael Carolan
  2. Assemblage and the Epistemology of Practice: Imagining Situated Water Governance
    Ruth Beilin

Technical Informations

Publication date : 13/03/2018

236 pages, 21 Black an white illustrations

ISBN: 9781138070738

Official publisher page : https://www.routledge.com/Agri-environmental-Governance-as-an-Assemblage-Multiplicity-Power-and/Forney-Rosin-Campbell/p/book/9781138070738

AUTHOR DISCOUNT (courtesy of Dr. Forney) :  authorflyer-Forney

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